Very bad customer service

Business & Finance

Ditech accidently withdrew more money from our account, $4000 instead of $1000 dollars, overdrew $3000. This all took place electronically. We called ditech's customer service (3 rep.in three seperate conversation) to request our money back to pay other bills, starting on February 25,05. It is now March 12,05 and no money had been refunded back to our account.

I'm sure ditech will charge us late payment had we been late in paying, yet they dragged their feet paying us.

I wonder who is responsible for all the late payments from our other bills that we incur? We are screwed either way, late payment if we did not pay on time, insufficient fund penalty if we write checks without fund in the account.

Company: Ditech.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa Mesa
Address: 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 150
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Ditech - GMAC Mortgage
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Ripoff, bait-n-switch, do not honor rate quotes - Stole my $500 Costa Mesa

Wasted two months of our time

They are decietful and cost me an addtional 3281.00 at closing!

GMAC Home Mortgage
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Bait and switch tactics

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Ditech And Gmac
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