They are decietful and cost me an addtional 3281.00 at closing!


Fair Warning Ditech, employess are masters of deception, and if you value your home. Stay as far away as possible. I would not use them even if they offered me 1% rate fixed. Once you have your closing your package will be totally different then what they stated. Their sales people are trained to be sharks and cunning!!! Stay away!!!

Company: Ditech
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: ditech.com
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Wasted two months of our time

Com AKA GMAC Mortgage ripoff stalls loan paperwork until rate locks expire and stonewalls questions, turned into a 5 month ordeal!

Ripoff, bait-n-switch, do not honor rate quotes - Stole my $500 Costa Mesa

Ditech - GMAC Mortgage
GMAC Mortgage This company would rather have us file bankruptcy than get their loan paid in full

Rude, Cold and Argumentative when I asked for GFE

Ditech - GMAC Mortgage
Being ripped of by GMAC Ditech And I am not going to tolerate it any longer! I need your help!

Gmac Mortgage & Ditech
Purposely deflated my house value and allowed for a lock-in-rate to expire

Ditech.com / GMAC Mortgage Corporation
Ditech.com / GMAC Mortgage Corporation rip-off false promises

Ditech And Gmac
Ripoff does not honor guarantee

FHA All Day
Ruthless. Always on the run