Bait and switch tactics

TV & Radio

Responded Ditech Television advertising. Desired combine our debt in a mortgage.in the place of our credit debt within the mortgage, place everything on the Ditech MCcard. The rate of interest began at 7.9%. Following the first-year it erupted to 35%.include the downturn and function cutback and we're dropping anything. We'd excellent credit ratings for two decades. That got us spending 2 factors significantly more than advertised price with no combination. All credit card debt still in charge card. $8000.00 to refinance folded in. We also provide 2, yes 2 agreements. The we began with and also the one we wound up in. We bit, they changed. From the period we recognized how various it had been, it was to late to stop. We're able to not manage to refinance again. We're currently dropping anything. Your house of two decades and all our eggs.

Company: Ditech
Country: USA
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Ditech Loans
Non-consolidation loan consolidation

Ditech - GMAC Mortgage
GMAC Mortgage This company would rather have us file bankruptcy than get their loan paid in full

Ripoff, bait-n-switch, do not honor rate quotes - Stole my $500 Costa Mesa

Wasted two months of our time

Ditech - GMAC Mortgage
Lies and Misinformation

Com AKA GMAC Mortgage ripoff stalls loan paperwork until rate locks expire and stonewalls questions, turned into a 5 month ordeal!

They are decietful and cost me an addtional 3281.00 at closing!

Very bad customer service

Countrywide Home Loans
Won't refinance our ARM Mortgage, won't modify until we are 30 days past due

Rude, Cold and Argumentative when I asked for GFE