Green Tree Servicing
Ripoff harassing, calling relatives and disclosing information about my loan

Business & Finance

I bought the mobile home in 1992 and was originally with Conseco Finance. The loan is in my name only and sits on property that belongs to my 02 was going through a divorce and had to quit my high end paying job to come and get custody of my 2002 I met my 2nd wife whom I married in March. Her name is not on this loan and has never been. While she and I were dating Green Tree called her at work demanding a payment be made. They got her number off of the caller ID where she had called from work to make a payment on my behalf the month before. They called her several times even though she told them to stop calling her at work. They called my house and left harassing messages.

In one day they called my house 12 times and on my voice mail left recordings of laughter and noises just to annoy. They looked up my last name in the directory and called my grandmother who lives on the same road as I do and discussed with her the amount past due and that they wanted to get in touch with me to make a payment. They called my parents house and told them how much was behind and that they needed to get in touch with me. My mother told them that they had my home number and to call there and leave a message. I finally got things back on track because I went back to work with my previous employer because I had gained custody of my son and things were turning around financially as I got my old job back.

I got remarried last year and my job caused me to relocate and we bought a house where we live now and for the first few months were making the payments on both houses etc. My wife became ill again in the later part of October 04 with Lyme Disease and Erchilosis which we were told in May 04 that she was cured of and would be fine. She has missed a lot of work and thus we have gotten behind on the house that is financed with Green Tree. Well Green Tree has started their harassment again starting with my parents giving them the impression when they called on the house they were interested in renting or buying it.

So my dad gave the man my wife's cell phone number. The man called my wife and asked for me she advised that I was at work and that the cell phone they called was not mine. Automatically they advised they were calling about the mortgage and that it was vacant so did she want them to just go get it. My wife advised them that they were in violation of NC laws by discussing information on the loan with anyone other than the borrower. She took their number and gave it to me to call them. I called them & advised them that they needed to stop calling my parents and they needed to stop calling my wife that they did not have my permission to discuss my account with anyone.

They demanded that I make a payment or they had a crew ready to go to the house and secure it and begin repossession. I advised them that the house sat on property that did not belong to me and that they did not have permission to go onto the property. I advised that I would make a payment by noon the next day to get the guy off my phone because I was after all at work. The next day was December 24th and at 8:12am they started calling and them again at 12:26pm. I made a payment arrangement for a check to be post dated for the following Friday December 31st. Here I am just 2 weeks later and they are calling my house 2 to three times a day wnd not leaving a message. They called my wife on her cell phone again.

I am trying to find out what I can do legally because I am sure that they have violated my rights. Anyone out there that has any suggestions please let me know. Thanks

Company: Green Tree Servicing
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Saint Paul
Address: 300 Landmark Towers, 345 St Peter Street
Phone: 6512934800
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