Horrific experience


I signed up for Directv back in October after being told my total bill would be around $50 for television and internet (AT&T). I got a call within the next 24 hours saying that was wrong and it would be $50 for just the television services. I also noticed that my guttering was torn off my house by their installer (and he left all the trash and boxes that the equipment came in). I immediately cancelled service (24 hours into my contract, mind you) and was assured that there would be NO charges for the 2 days I had service and to watch my credit card for the refund of what I had paid, which ended up being $83.54. I got a statement within a week saying there was a credit to my Directv account of $134.74 and when I called to verify this information, I spoke to "Alex", who said I would get that amount credited to my credit card. I have no clue why I would get that back when I paid $83.54 but whatever... I waited for them to send the boxes to return my equipment and I did return it the next day after getting the late November, I got another bill for $270.64 for unreturned equipment! After a handful of irritating phone calls with people who can't speak clear English (no offense to anyone in particular), being placed on hold, and being told that I had returned the card from inside the equipment, and not the equipment itself, I finally got an email on Dec. 1st, saying it was all cleared up and disregard the bill. Meanwhile, I was still waiting for the reversal on my credit card. After the "unreturned equipment" fiasco, I decided to file a dispute on one of the bills they charged to my account, (for $53.48) which was part of the $83.54 they owed me in total. Finally, on December 29, I got the the $53.48 back on my card but also got a check in the mail for $48.74. That is a total of $102.22 which is $4.74 more than I was owed. I was just glad to have it all done and over with... Or so I thought. On
January 7, I got a statement saying I owe $53.48 (the amount that was credited to my card). I have been on the phone with them to no avail so I decided to email them so I can keep track of what they said and when. I really cannot tell you what they are saying to me or what they mean because honestly, I don't think they even know what they are talking about. I have had a handful of email conversations with them regarding this issue, and every email was with a different person. I feel that if you tell me I will not be charged after only having service for 24 hours, you should stand behind that statement. I also feel that since their installer damaged my guttering, they should call it even... It will cost at least $50 in supplies to fix my gutters, and I have no clue how much in labor. Oh and I failed to mention that they also gave my social security number over to AT&T without my consent to have credit ran.

In short, I regret the day I ever decided to switch to Directv. I have contacted an attorney and am considering filing suit over this.

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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Customer Service/Billing

Billed for switching to better service, credit card fraud to get money for equipment purchased by me

DTV Charged for equipment not returned

Direct TV
Rip Off!

Charges Billing and Refusal to Refund Ripoff

Direct TV
Consumer Report

DIRECTV OVERBILLS - Charges to your account

Non-Returned Equipment

Directv should be arrested for stealing

Directv is rubbing me