Time Warner
I HATE Time Warne

TV & Radio

You would think I would learn from my mistakes but unfortunately I did not! In 2009 I signed up for Time Warner 's Triple Play. After they disconnected my phone from ATT, they failed to get the right number. After over two weeks without a phone, and talking to different people everyday (no one knows anything) they finally got my phone working. So I had a "locked in price of $99. All is well... Until you start adding DVR and digital cable. Another $30-$40 extra. Then your 2 years is up and I did not pay attention to the fine print that I would be charged and automatically be in a contract for another two years at a increase from $99 to $140 a 41% increase. Wish my paycheck increased 41% every two years! They told me after talking to 3 different people and disconnected once and echo in my ear sorry can't change your "locked" in price without a charge. I am stuck paying this price until 2013!

Company: Time Warner
Country: USA
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