Direct TV
Over charge

TV & Radio

I was sent a flyer from direct tv, saying (please come back to us) Lock in your price for one year. Pick your package. WE chose the CHOICE EXTRA package, $34.99 for 12 months. After 12 months the price would go to reg price of $57.99 for 6months more for a total of 18 months which the contract called for. We have had two price increases in the first 10 months already. When we call and ask them about there flyer that says LOCK IN YOUR PRICE FOR ONE YEAR we are told if we dont like it than cancel. We know if we cancel we will be billed 3 or 4 hundred dollars. I still have the flyer but don't know where to go from here???

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Melbourne
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Is a scam. Changes contract so they can take more money! Village

Direct TV Sucks - Dont Buy - Direct TV

Time Warner Cable
Road Runner Internet TimeWarner Cable Price Lock Guarantee Breach of Contract

False advertising/misinformation

Salesman - Freeze

United Airlines
Gouging frequent flyers Denve

Package price - Bait & Switch

The Brick
"bad bad bad" customer service

Charter Communications
Quote price not same as billed price, increased price of package, charged for serives I didn't make, Inconsistant service help

Amerigas Propane
Robbed by Amerigas price gouging