Time Warner Cable
Road Runner Internet TimeWarner Cable Price Lock Guarantee Breach of Contract

Internet & Web

September 15 I agreed to be put in a price lock guarantee with TimeWarnerCable for 12 months. This year I called in Sep inquiring about new deals, and the customer service rep said that since our contract was up, we could sign for a new price lock guarantee where we would be paying a few dollars more (I believe $3-5 more/month) but receive same service as we had plus premium movie channels. I declined and kept service as it was. Today, 11/11, I called to cancel my cable subscription, and keep my Internet, but at the new advertised price. They informed me I was in a price lock guarantee for two years. I advised them I had agreed to a one-year agreement, and that was also confirmed this September when the CS rep had wanted me to lock in again. The CS rep today said that was inaccurate, that they had never offered a 12 month price lock guarantee, and that if I cancelled my cable and Internet, I would be penalized $40. I asked to speak to a supervisor, and eventually after much tugging back and forth was transferred. She advised me I was in a price lock guarantee, but I would not be penalized if I kept at least one service (Internet in this case). I said fine, please give me the advertised special for Road Runner Internet Turbo. She said I was in a contract until September 15 and if I changed, or cancelled service, I would be penalized $150 as I had allegedly agreed. I advised her they were conducting a breach of oral contract since I had agree to a 12 month contract which was supported by my call September when they wanted me locked in again. Furthermore, if I stayed with them for the Internet and cancelled my cable TV subscription, I would be locked in for another 2 years starting today. I inquired about the audiotapes of me agreeing to a 24 month price lock since I never had agreed to anything beyond 12 months. She said she needed a court order to release it. She advised me that she had not heard the tapes. Nor did she see notes of me being offered to re-sign a new price lock guarantee this year, even though she said I did call this year.
I find it atrocious that they will breach the agreed upon oral contract, not let me resign for a new price that is being offered, and on top of that stating I would be penalized if I cancelled now, which I is against the agreed upon 12 month contract I agreed to.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 8949 Ware Court, San Diego, 92121
Phone: 8776104445
Site: timewarnercable.com
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