U verse - u verse

TV & Radio

Horrible Horrible BEWARE CAUTION had u verse for four months first three weeks worked great, then tv freezes constantly tech support horrible they tell you to run these tests at home so they can reset your box, which doesnt work because you cant get a signal through the box I've had 7 techs in four months 4 techs in one month, the last tech as soon as he left tv froze up again. Never could get a picture. And Tech Support had the nerve to bill me 55 dollars which they said they would give me a credit for when i was billed we/ll see. They have the dumbest people working in tech support. The Broadcast agency Fcc or whomever needs to shut them down immediately charging people for cable that doesnt work. Finally cancelled service. Hooray.

Company: AttUverse
Country: USA
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Charging people for cable that doesn't work

U - verse paying for services, not), rendered

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Charter Communications
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U-VERSE - u-verse package

AttUverse - AT&T U-verse service

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