Direct TV
Representative Lied to me

TV & Radio

I named to ask about obtaining Strong TV to displace our wire support. Among the major causes was to obtain my spouse, a NYC implant, Yankees and Rangers activities, and so I questioned alot concerning the activities group. This is the primary reason for our purchasing it. We're spending additional for that "activities pack"

I really specially requested the client support consultant before I decided to to agreement if Yankees activities were blacked out. I had been exceptionally clear about that. There may not have now been any question about my problem. He definitely understood why we were purchasing Direct TV. He repeatedly assured me that NO yankees activities were blacked out. (I expected 3 times!)

You know what? He lied. Clearly and without issue. I had been informed that no yankees activities were blacked-out about the YES system. He actually explained that not really Send Sunday morning activities were blacked out. Therefore, it seemed fantastic in my experience. I requested it and my partner got each day off-work as the specialist was below and we actually needed to leap through hoops with this residence panel so they might accept let's exercise in to the outside the building.

And you know what? We-don't obtain the yankees activities! I suppose the exact same holds true using the Rangers sport, however it is not baseball season. Within three times of having it mounted, we found this. (We did not attempt to view yankees activities before that since we were outoftown.) We named, we reported, we described the problem, that people were intentionally lied to, that people experienced we'd been defrauded, talked with administrators, without any benefits. Evidently, it's okay together if their customer support representatives lay so long as they allow you to sign the agreement.

We both believe we've been defrauded so poorly, as well as in such total breach of any moral requirements, that people are thinking about suitable course of action next. We simply have no idea what that motion may be.

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
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Direct TV
Breach of Contract/Early Termination Fee

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Direct TV
Contract lie for free movie channels

Direct TV

Deceptive and Greedy

Direct TV
Billing and miss leading promises

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Eturn refused for faulty items

In order to watch the games I need to fork over an additional $12.99

Taking monthly Fee from my credit card

Nintendo DSi games
Shipped counterfeit product