Direct TV
Early Termination Fee

TV & Radio

I have had service with this company for over 6 years. We had a very bad storm hit and I was told that it would be several days before they could fix my dish. I explained to them that I had contacted one of there competitors and they could have my service restored in under 3 days. I asked direct t. V to cancel my service. I was told that I would have to pay a early termination fee. I didn't understand because I had used the service for 6 years. Well apparently I upgraded a reciever and there is some kind of service agreement that places you under a two year contract. I asked to see something showing where I signed showing that I agreed to the terms of this contract. They told me it was a verbal agreement. Wow. I told them goodbye and will never use there service again. One of there competitiors has better service and there is no contract period. Watch Out for this company.

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
City: Madison
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Direct TV
Early Termination fee

Direct TV
Early termination fee

They trick you to signing up 24 month lease - direct tv service

Early Termination Fee

Direct TV
Early termination fees

Dish Network
Dish They guarantee service at original address, not any address, so early termination fee is valid

Direct TV
Deceptive practice of contract extension for upgrading equipment resulting in early termination fees if service cancelled

DISH Network / AT&T
Clearly opted out of 24 month agreement (signed contract), still dinged with early termination fee - account in collections despite proof

Direct TV
Early Termination

Direct Tv
Fraud advertising, ruin customer service