Qwest Communications International Inc
Qwest High Speed DSL - overcharged for alleged 'free' upgrade - High Speed DSL

TV & Radio

Back in October I received a letter stating that "As a valued customer we are rewarding you with a FREE upgrade to Qwest Connect Platinum for 12 months!"

Go ahead and sign up for the alleged 'free' upgrade and what does this valued customer get? 3 1/2 months of inordinate fees, multiple phone calls trying to rectify the errors, and no answers other than 'it will be corrected next bill. Oh, in the meantime, pay your bill so it doesn't get sent to collection.”

The first month after our 'free upgraded' our DSL bill went from $31.99 to $69.09. After it was supposedly 'corrected' the bill went to $54.99 for 2 months. On each of 7 calls I was told it was being sent to another department to be corrected. A couple of times they even said there was no such offer ever sent out (even though I still have the mailing with a Promo Code that I gave to Qwest every time I called). Once when I asked for a Supervisor I was told one was not available and that the error couldn't be corrected unless I paid my outstanding balance! HORRIBLE customer service and even insulting at times.

Why would I stick with Qwest when I receive better offers in the mail from Clear and Comcast on a daily basis?

Thank goodness I keep detailed notes of all calls and offers. I feel like I have had to PROVE myself during multiple calls. What a waste of time and what horrible customer service. One more chance then that's it (Actually I don't know why I am even giving them another chance...).

Company: Qwest Communications International Inc
Country: USA
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Overcharged for alleged 'free' upgrade

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