Direct tv satellite
Unauthorized Installation & Damages

TV & Radio

Without possession confirmation, Direct TV drilled pockets and installed an enormous satellite dish onto the medial side of our home. There's also openings within the master suite wardrobe where traces were run. We'd tenants in the home and Direct TV never obtained agreement from us or confirmed possession. After paying half an hour about the telephone and being used in 4 various people, I had been informed they do not have an insurance policy to confirm possession which I'd to gather damages. I responded "Oh no I am not", then requested to talk to a boss, the fifth individual who offered me data towards the Harm Claim Target: Direct TV, Attn: Statements, PO Box 4227, Englewood, Co 80155-4227. You have to provide your title, the tenants name and bill number (I eventually got in the consultant), an expert estimation, short explanation, and pictures.

Company: Direct tv satellite
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Naples
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Consumer Award Advisory Service
Caas c.A.A.S. Fraudulent lie dishonest ripoff mail scam false award phony prize

Unapproved Install Didn't Stop Direct T.V. From Damaging My Property

Direct TV
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Direct TV
Dirct TV Cancellation Fee

Global Resources
Ripoff Miami florida

Global Recources
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Ex-employee scam model agency

House damage