Direct TV
They have no ethics and morals

TV & Radio

We constantly get the 771 searching for signal area. There is absolutely positively nothing that can be in the way and the weather is perfect. They want to charge 79.95 to send some boy out to look at it when it is THEIR product that is the problem. Also they have overbilled us nearly every month for the past year. We have to CONSTANTLY call and get it sorted out. Correct one month then WRONG again. What idiots. And the customer service is rude and useless. AND that 2 year contract! That big CEMENT BLOCK around your neck. Never ever again. Never. How companies like this can be allowed to rip people off is just beyond me. They have no ethics and morals.

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
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ACCOUNT PRICING complaint review - ALL

Don't get direct tv!

Direct tv
Direct TV - Breach of Contract - Terrible Service - WHY does anyone put up with it?

Direct Tv Sucks... - Direct TV Satellite Service

Direct tv
Direct TV poor business - direct tv

Direct TV - The Facts

Direct TV
Bait and Switch

If you broke it fix it

Direct TV:- (- ALL

Direct tv
Poor Service