Time Warner Cable
Very disappointed with TWC's quality of customer service

TV & Radio

I don't even know how to express my frustration toward TWC. I have been experiencing slow internet service starting a month ago. At first, I thought it would get better in few days as it speed of internet varies a lot daily. However, it didn't. So I called TWC and went over several troubleshooting procedures, which all didn't work. I have talked to the highest level as well to fix this but failed. The problem with TWC's customer service was that I was on hold with automated response system for so long. Also, when someone at TWC transfers me to other departments, I was often disconnected and start things all over again (explaining my issue to new representatives). After spending a week with representatives going over troubleshooting, I set up an appointment with a technician (one of the representatives promised me that the technician will solve the problem). So few days ago, technician came and I even missed the class since I had to stay home while he was in my home. He basically said that changing the device to newest one will solve all the problem. So I trusted him. However, when I went to school and came back home at night, I was again experiencing the same issue. Only getting 2MBPS or when things get worse, 0.5MBPS!!! I couldn't even open google sometimes. This was something usual for past month. For this reason, I have postponed paying the bills. That night I called TWC again and expressed my frustration and told them I wanted to talk to someone at higher level and complain about their service. But they were keep saying that they have to follow some sort of protocols and not really trying to do as I have requested. At the end, I got really upset. I have called TWC everyday since last Thursday if I am correct and tried to get myself connected to their senior managers. What I am more concerned about is that some of the front liners even made me a promise like "my senior manager will call you back within 24 hours" and "i will call you back tomorrow at 4pm and transfer you to higher department and assist you all the way". But. Nobody called me as promised. They have basically not kept their words with the customer. As a student business major student, I think TWC is making a huge mistake on their after-purchase services. Just to give you some sense of how my life as been affected by TWC's horrible customer services, I have spent at least 5 hours on phone with TWC and on hold with annoying music for at least 2 hours. What is even worse is that I never could stay at my comfortable home to study, because of the internet. I always had to go to the library to study. What's even worse is that I just received an automated call from TWC that they will disconnect me if I do not make the payment within 24 hours. Haha. I dont really mind getting disconnected because internet is almost unusable anyways. As I write this, I am still waiting a phone call from one of their representatives at level 2 who made me a promise that she will transfer me to higher assistant. I have way more concerns with their services, but i will express them all when I finally get to talk to TWC's senior manager (If i ever get to talk to them). Overall, very dissatisfied and upset with TWC.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
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