Time Warner Cable
Bill for services not provided

Shops, Products, Services

Time Warner bill consumers for service that are provided 24/7 whether they are use or not. BUT when they know that there system is down do the give credit to those affected. No they do not unless you call. Of course when you call they automated system tells you that they are aware of the problem so you don't need to stay on the phone. If you do stay on the phone you will be on hold for hours and of course they do this deliberately.
Today my internet service did not work. For 4 hours the denied the system was down. Then they determined that my cable modem was bad and made an appointment for a technician to change this in 4 days. Would they give me credit for 4 days. No, not unless I called again after the technician came even though they determined that I would not have service for 4 days.

I think we need a law that requires them to automatically credit for system outages. Yes they know when their system is down and yes they know who is affected. Where are our politicians when they are needed to protect the consumers from this type of abuse.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: One Time Warner Blvd
Phone: 2124846630
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