False Adverstisement and cancellation practices

Traveling & Tourism

I have used priceline before with good results till now. I made a reservation using the best guarentee deal. The parameters were set for a Hotel. I was given an INN. A roach motel to say the least. When I saw this I called to transfer my reservation to a Hotel for the same price same area. I was told no. I was tranferred to the next level to be told no. No matter how I try to get this canceled. There are no Cancellation policies in place for their Best Guarentee Prices. And we are sorry that it is not up to your satifaction is what I am told and we cannot do anything about it... I bid 45.00 Dollars I was Charged 69.00 plus Taxes for a total of 86.. For an INN. Not even a Hotel as was set in the parameters. Then I was told that if I could find it online for the price I paid that I would be refunded. But the price of that Inn doubled overnight..

They will not cancel it for any reason. And this needs to be revised. I have an ad on craigslist so I dont lose my money because priceline does not believe in customer service.

This is the Guesthouse Inn In Asheville, NC if anyone wants to read reviews and see pictures of it..

Country: USA
Address: 800 Norwalk Ave, Norwalk, Conn
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