Don't book through Expedia! They hold your money for service not provided

Traveling & Tourism

If you book through Expedia, and there is any problem at all with your transaction, you will have a hold on your account for the amount of the transaction even though it did not go through. DO NOT try again!!! You will end up with multiple holds on your account. I tried to book a flight on June 4th. I chose the flight, gave the credit card information, chose seats and then Expedia said the flight was unavailable and to try again. As they had already taken my credit card info, I DID NOT try again.instead, I called the airline directly (spoke with a real person) who had the flight I had just looked at on Expedia for the same exact price and there were seats available. I booked through the airline. I then looked at my bank account and found a pending charge from Expedia for $584.20. Thank God I did not try again! I called Expedia who told me the hold would be dropped in 24 hours. It didn't. According to my bank, it will drop tomorrow, June 7th. How can they even hold money for a service that they aren't providing? They can temporarily tie up your money because of problems they are having with their website. Never again will I use them. Book through an actual person at the airlines.

Company: Expedia.com
Country: USA
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