Hotel reservation Holiday Inn Santo Domingo

Traveling & Tourism

Very bad service, i am Orbitz Customer from 15 years, i always use Orbitz for all of my trips, hotels, cars, everything, it is easy to me to use one company for all.
I did wait half hour to get customer support, another half hour from customer support to the correct departament, asking to change a reservation, they are not able to do so, well, i ask please to get my second night refunded, they said hotels is not refundable, not true, i know first night is not refundable but yes second night, i ask for supervisor, i waited one hour to talk to supervisor, repeate all the problems and issue to him for the third time and after waited another half hour, the results are: THE same answer as fisrt one!!! If you use a travel agengy to make your life easy, this is not the company for sure that make my life easy... I will cancel my account and book everything direct using american express that always resolve all of my problems. Bondmiami (member id)

Company: Orbitz.com
Country: USA
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Change of Hotel internet

Charges high fees, has unreasonable cancellation policies and offers no lower rates than booking direct

Refusal to change hotel stay dates even though hotel confirmed that there would be no problem. They said my only alternative was to cancel and lose my $525 prepaid dollars for the three night stay.internet

Orbitz, LLC Don't use Orbitz.com or Cheaptickets.com to buy hotel or airfare. They make it impossible for you to modify or get refund on your reservation. Best to go direct to airline or hotel

Fraudulent Car Rental - Car Reservation

Flawed travel info - AIRLINE TICKETS

NEVER trust them with your hotel "reservations."

Disaster - Travel Web site

Fraudulent Car Rental - Orbitz is involved in fraud

Beware of Orbitz Hotel Reservations - Hotel Reservation