IAN Travel Services Hotel.com
Hotel.com Overcharges by IAN Travel Services

Traveling & Tourism

On Saturday, August 8, I went onto Super 8 Motel's web site and booked a AARP-rated room for August 21-23 - or so I thought.
In reviewing my credit card statement on August 26, I found a charge from IAN Travel Services-TX (a.K.A. Hotel.com) which did not match the charge from the motel; a discrepancy of $44.68. I have no objection in paying a small fee for booking through a service, but I find that $44.68 is a bit exorbitant, and I had no idea who or what IAN Travel Services or hotel.com was, or that I was booking through them.
I called my credit card company. They suggested I call IAN Travel Services, who suggested I call hotel.com. Well - we're off to a good start! In speaking with representatives from both IAN Travel and hotel.com, I explained why I was calling and asked for an explanation why their charges were more than the actual charges from the motel. As their representative spoke with heavily-accented English, and I could not understand half of what he was saying, I finally asked repeatedly to speak to a manager. Gee - guess what? Their managers were nowhere to be found.in total frustration, I finally hung up and asked my husband to call later.
My husband did call later and spoke with a representative at hotel.com, who said he was the manager, and the manager explained that they could not credit (or would not) our account for the difference, but would send us a "gift" certificate (originally $40) for $50 toward a future night's stay at a motel. My husband stated that this was not acceptable - that a credit would be more appropriate. As I have no wish to deal with this company (s) ever again, as they appear to be dishonest, untrustworthy, and their customer service is less than desired, their "gift" certificate would be totally useless to us.
Also - I found that my credit card was charged the day of the booking (August 8) and not at the time when my husband and I took lodging - almost two weeks later. I thought the practice of charging before services were rendered, or ordered merchandise was shipped, was illegal.in this day an age, I guess it's Buyer Beware!

Company: IAN Travel Services Hotel.com
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 10440 North Central Expressway
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AARP travel cente
The AARP travel center cheated seniors

AARP Travel Center
AARP travel center cheated seniors

Unprofessional customer service!

TSP Travel
EAN Travel US Failure to Provide Services

TPS Travel
Tps is a scam!

American Hotel Guide
Tricked and lied to us rip-off fraud business Unk

Ian Travel Services
Hotel hotline.com ian travel services n.A

Escounter.com 877-283-5585
Consumer Report

World Choice Travel
Www.onlinereservationz.com rip-off! Excessive booking charges, hidden fees at check-out.internet, Florida

Hotels.com - IAN Travel Services
Fraud, travel, credit card, Francine Zeppa, Fort Myers Florida