American Airlines
Nonrefundable nontransferable ripoff

Traveling & Tourism

I bought tickets for my mother and aunt to take a trip to San Francisco this summer. They cancelled the trip 24 hours after I bought the tickets. I contacted AA to cancel the tickets and get a refund.

That's when I was told they were nonrefundable and nontransferable. This meant that unless the two of them and only the two of them could fly / change the destination at any time before July 10.

And if neither of them decided to fly before then, I would be SOL and have to pay $650. What possible legal authority do they have to do this? Why is it impossible for these people to issue me a ticket for the $650 that they now demand that I pay them.

There certainly was nothing special about the price. The allow me to purchase the ticket with out ever hearing a word from either of them. Additionally they allowed me to change the destination when they screwed up the initial purchase. What gives?

Company: American Airlines
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
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