Fraud and cheating

Traveling & Tourism

I obtained a $200 Expedia discount from Expedia.com for journey drawn in Q4 2008. It's advantageous to a journey packed of 5 times atmosphere/resort - should be reserved and obtained by end of Feb.

The discount appears in 'My Account' but there's no method to receive it. I have sent emails to customer support who send me towards the 800-397-3342 quantity. I have talked with 3 people at Expedia.com who likewise could not use it. I have kept for administrators over 90 units on mobile phone.

The plan is 'no body will-call you back - you've to put on'. While Iam placed on store - Iam informed 2-3 units. No body actually returns.

There's no method to achieve the boss or other professionals. The only real number that Expedia seemingly have can there be standard 800-number.

I've to think at this time this was a deceptive advertising marketing. I suppose I really could guide a visit after which consider them to small-claims judge for that $200 - but do I truly wish to accomplish business again having a business that'll not allow you to consult with administrators, encourages a deceptive discount, and it has basically 'no' customer support.

I've never discovered a boss that covers such as this before. Clearly there's a recognized client sat issue and he does not wish to move near it.

A business with one of these company guidelines should not maintain company for me.

Company: Expedia.com
Country: USA
Site: expedia.com
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Scam and cheating

False Mastercard Promotion

Best Price Guarantee

Never trust Expedia


Fraud and cheating

Doesn't come through

Dishonest booking practices

Terrible company

Why use expedia when booking through ramada is cheape