Expedia Travel
$50 Gas Card promotion Seattle Washington

Traveling & Tourism

I, too was approved by Expedia for the $50 gas card promotion in late September after completing the requirements and submitting the claim.

After waiting the indicated number of weeks for delivery of the card I contacted them by email and was told that it had been shipped in an envelope addressed to "Gas Money" without my name, but address only and that perhaps I had thrown it away as "junk mail". I replied that I had never recieved any such email and that we always check mail before throwing it out.

I received a reply that it was delayed and would be shipped in a few days and to expect it within 7 - 10 working days. When it did not appear over the next few months I sent more emails, and received the same reply over and over again (six additional email contacts).

I called Expedia Customer Service in early December and was told the issue would be turned over to the correct department and that I would get an email in a few days. After New Years passed and no email had been sent I called again, and was put on hold for 25 minutes after asking to speak with a supervisor. I eventually hung up and called again, and again was put on hold. When someone finally came on the line I demanded that I speak with a supervisor, and was put in contact with a supervisor. I was told that it was an issue with "corporate", and I asked to speak with someone in "coporate". After another 10 minute hold, I was connected with someone in "corporate".

This individual stated they were having problems with the vendor who handled the promotion fulfillment and that the vendor had been replaced, and further the matter would be turned over to "the appropriate department".

At that point I stated I would be turning this over to the Missouri State Attorney General's office for investigation. At this point the individual stated he would try his best to get the card out. He "promised" it would be sent to me by the end of January. I again stated that I would contact the Attorney General's office if it did not arrive.

I received an email the next day stating the card would be sent out by January 9 and would be in my hands within 7 to 10 working days.

The card arrived by mail today (January 13), in a hand-addressed envelope. It is for $60 and expires at the end of February, 09.

So, call and complain and threaten if you have to for them to fulfill the deal.

Company: Expedia Travel
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: expedia.com
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