Days Inn
Price fixing-changing rates after bookin

Traveling & Tourism

I booked 12 rooms at this hotel with the manager Dennis Henderson. I booked them Aug 4 with a price for the park and fly and taxes for a rate of $97.44 per room. The price was for 7 days plus the 5 days additional to keep the car and the taxes. We mailed a check for $1169.68 on Aug 22 for the 12 the mean time we added another room and gave him a company credit card for that room. I get a call from the lady tonight (Sept 23) who is taking this group on a 12 day cruise and the person in charge (a Jennifer) they had to pay for the rooms. I told her a check was mailed in Aug for the amount that was agreed on. She says I was rude well she has no business behind the desk. She called Dennis and of course he has no idea what is going on. I came to the office to check the confirmation numbers and the check date. We called my lady and that is when she informed me he is going to renege on the price and charge every one the $5 extra per day. I can not believe they can do this but guess they can. When I called corporate they told me they could do this. I can only think of one reason that anyone would stay here is for the convenience... Sure not the service or the quality.

We do a lot of business in Nashville TN with hotels and none of them have the LOGO DAYS INN.


Company: Days Inn
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
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Bad Business
Lying to the consume

Days Inn Hotels
Nasty, filthy hotel that was rude and would not let me check in after pre paying the rooms ripoff Chattanooga Tennessee
Priceline is intentionally deceptive,
Bad business pratice, overbooked rooms on purpose
Do not use

Clarion Hotel
Rude Service
Extended Stay: Nashville

Manhattan Broadway Budget Hotel
Worst Hotel I have ever stayed! - Ian Travel Services
Underhanded, cowardly, fradulent, low life, lying theives, hiding who they are on the computer internet