American Airlines
I was lied to and cant get a refund or my miles back Airport

Traveling & Tourism

I was contacted by someone from American Airlines about a year and 8 or 9 months ago. They told me that my American Airlines Advantage miles would be up unless I have had activity on my account. They told me that one of my options was to buy miles and that my account would be good for three years. I knew that I wanted to travel the summer of 08 and even told the lady on the phone about it. She told me that I would be fine all I needed to do was make sure that I scheduled my flight a couple months in advance to make sure I got every situated.

I called American Airlines to schedule my flight, this last week and they told me that I do not have any miles. I asked them how this was and I was told that American Airlines changed their policy. I asked them why I was not informed by a letter or anything. They told me that they tried to contact most everyone through email. They then looked at my email and noticed there was none on my account. They did have the correct adresss and phone number. I asked them why I was not contacted, and was told that they also had a news conference and it was in the newspaper. The supervisor then told me that I would still have my miles if I read the newspaper or watched the news. It was really insulting to be talked to that way. She then went on to tell me that her father knew about the change and is not even a member so I should know. I am really upset because I have barely anytime to myself. I basically wake up and go from college to track then to work. I asked the supervisor if there is anyway that I can get my miles back. She gave me the options of buying my miles back for $400 then I would have to wait three months after that to actually get them back. I was planning on leaving March 28th so that definitely does not work. I was also told that I could buy a Citibank credit card but I would have to spend I think they said $800 then I would be able to get them back but once again after 3 months.

I really do not think that it is right that American Airlines is not honoring what I was told. My family and I will be travelling a lot in the near future and definitely not be using American Airlines unless this situation gets fixed. I do not appreciate the way I was talked to or the way any of this was handled.

Company: American Airlines
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: DFW Airport
Address: P.O. Box 619612 MD 2400
Phone: 18008828880
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