Trip Advisor
This Company Slanders Business' & Business Owners Internet Internet

Traveling & Tourism

The Company known as Trip Advisor should be totally ashamed of their Un-ethical, un-professional business practices
For some reason this web site thrives on slander, libel, character and business assisination, its almost like the meaner the review is, the better they think their personal ratings on the web are.
This site allows a guest of a Hotel, Motel or Inn to make a comment, that comment can be good or bad in regards to the guests stay, if you review this web page, it only reads all negative comments, and the web master for this page allows the guest to literally use slanderous, and libelous comments, though it states that such language or use of words is not allowed, well
they do allow it, as I am proof.
Its the only web page, that says they allow the owner or management of the business to reply to the posted message, but when you try as an owner or manager, you are denied this action? Now tell me why? This web site advertises that it is a biast review, how can they post that when they will only listen to one side of the story, every ligitimate Better Business Bureau listens to both sides of a story? Not Trip Advisor They are literally bashing and blemishing peoples Business' and personal reputations. This should be banned from the internet? Is there no govt agecency that could conduct a full blown investigation on this web site Do you realize that you could be in competition with another business and they could spend hours and hours just sending in unauthourized reviews about your business to tarnish potential guests from coming to your busines establishment, Trip Advisor states that you are not to fraudulently make a review, but there is no way for your competitor to not make up a phony email address and bash away
Web sites should be about the truth. Not about lies and acqusations that can not be heard by both sides
This web page is an insult to Business Ethics and Standards I want to get the word out there, some Business' might not understand why their Business is not doing well, maybe you better check your Business'
name under Trip Advisor, that might be ther reason your sales have dropped Trip Advisor and its web master should be ashamed of themselves as they are not supplying any biast reviews to the public, they are thriving off the ratings from Bully's
Michelle Campbell
CEO of Madison's Haunted Inn
343 Durham Market Square North
Kincardine, Ontario
N2Z 1Z4

Kincardine, Ontario

Company: Trip Advisor
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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TRip Advisor
Trip Advisor Steve Kaufer professional criminal of on line Robbery!

Rude Anti American Comments, Trying to hide their failures Puerto Vallarta

Grand Adventures Las Vegas
Grand Adventures Tours This company is a fraud, they write their own trip advisor reviews and get negative reviews deleted Las Vegas, Grand Canyon
Name your price misrepresentation, cheat, fraud

Home Advisor
ServiceMagic They can't handle the truth

I have 7 positive review all hidden from the past 18 months, but only negitive reviews are posted for all to judge my business

Birch Point Resort
Thomas Richard Swanson Fraudulent Review Submitted to Trip Adviso

Corporate Business Solutions

Live Sylvia the Clairvoyant

T.C. GreatMart, Inc
Consumer Report