Ripoff, Scam, Misleading, Crooks

Traveling & Tourism

I recently went online to book a flight for a wedding, and used I went ahead and chose specific times that I required for my flights, because I was to be in a wedding the day I was flying in. I was then booked my flight without actually giving a confirmation, and none of the specific criteria that I chose was met. I contacted their so-called customer service reps and all they could do is regurgitate some company policy off of a sheet a paper, and then tell me that their managers do not take phone calls.

Now, because of all this I am going to miss the wedding that I am supposed to be in and essentially I am out $600. I think the worst part about the whole situation is the way that I was treated when I tried to resolve the situation. I offered to pay extra just to change the time of my incoming flight or even if I could fly stand by and all they could do is read their company policy. I would love to see their company's business model, because I believe wholeheartedly that it would mirror that of scam artists. misleads and traps consumers into flights that they would never have selected in the first place, and then refuses to help them out in anyway. It is a real shame, and I plan on making it my mission in life to do whatever I can to let people know the kind of corrupt corporation that Priceline is running.

Company: Priceline
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Norwalk
Address: P.O. Box 5511
Phone: 18007742354
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