Princess Cruise Lines
Ripoff, mutilate customer service, worst on the ocean, stay away

Traveling & Tourism

As many other passengers surely did, my family and I began to pay close attention to the weather and the path of Hurricane Wilma during the week leading up to our departure on the Star Princess.

We were due to set sail for the Western Caribbean out of Ft. Lauderdale Florida on Sunday October 23rd. As a group we had discussed flying into Florida a day early to avoid the hurricane but were assured by Princess on Friday the 20th that the ship was all set to leave as planned and not to worry. Therefore we left our homes Sunday morning and arrived at Boston's Logan International Airport at 9:00 am for an 11:30 flight to Florida.

After checking our luggage and getting some breakfast we started to make our way to our gate only to hear all thirteen members of our group called over the intercom system. We were asked to check in at our gate as soon as possible. Once there we were told by a Delta representative that Princess had notified them our ship was leaving three hours earlier than expected and there was a chance we would not make it to our destination in time.

We were originally due to land in Florida at 2:30 and were told the ship was now due to leave at 3:00. Several members of my party started calling Princess to see if there was any way to prolong our window of time in order for us to make it to the ship in time. We were told the ship would be notified we were on our plane and to get there as soon as we could. We proceeded to board the plane only to be followed on board by the Delta representative who informed us that the shelters in Ft. Lauderdale were filling up fast. We were advised that the flight would not make it to Florida in time for us to catch the ship and told to get off the plane unless we wanted to spend our vacation in a shelter.

The next seven hours were then spent trying to figure out why not one person in our party was notified of the early departure, what the next stop for the Star Princess would be, arranging new flights to that location for all thirteen of us, and trying to re-direct two pieces of luggage that were not taken off our original flight to Ft. Lauderdale.

During one of our numerous calls to corporate headquarters we were told the next stop would be Ocho Rios and that we could meet up with the ship when it docked there on Tuesday. We were also told that we would not be refunded our money if we were not able to meet up with the ship on our own. Arranging last minute flights for a group of 13 is not an easy task, nor is it inexpensive. The airlines told us over and over again that there were no available flights into Jamaica due to the weather yet we were assured by Princess time and time again that the ship would be sailing to that port.

We were in touch with the California offices no less than six times to confirm information in fear of not being able to meet the ship. It was during one of these calls that my family learned the Star Princess did not leave Ft. Lauderdale early at all. Had we not been pulled off our plane earlier in the day, we would have made it to the ship with plenty of time.

Throughout the course of the day my family and I had many highs and lows. We spent an entire day in an airport questioning how this could happen and what could be done to rectify the situation. No where along the way did Princess show us any concern or compassion, nor did they go out of their way to help us.

We questioned why an airline, booked completely separate from our cruise, had the knowledge of our destination beyond their flight and how they became aware of the early departure before we did. I was told by a customer relations representative that the airlines are given a list of passengers but that Princess was not authorized to tell them how to treat their customers. I would like to know why this information is given out in the first place and who had MY authorization to do so.

We questioned why we were not notified of an early departure. We were told that the coastguard had changed the departure time many times during the course of the day and that it out of the hands of Princess. I would like to know why calls to our cell phones (which were listed on file as emergency contact numbers) were not made immediately after changes were made and why our airline was informed and we were not.

We questioned what would happen if we could not arrange new flights to the next port due to bad weather and were told that it was our responsibility to catch the ship at any point during the week or that it would be our loss. We heard from numerous representatives that it would be considered our fault for missing the boat in the first place. I would like to know how it was OUR fault when we were not extended the courtesy of being notified of changes and who trained your customer service representatives to be so insensitive to situations like this.

After finally arranging for new flights we were now up against the challenge of finding lodging for the next two nights. At this point we are all tired, hungry, and completely drained due to the emotional roller coaster of the days events. We checked into the Airport Hilton, ate dinner, and tried to shop for personal items that were in the lost luggage belonging to my daughter. Enclosed you will find receipts for some of the costs incurred during this time.

My significant other and I do not earn large salaries. We have saved for over a year for this trip and did not have extra cash to spend. We were not able to pay for our new flights or hotel rooms on our own and now owe a large amount of money to my parents and my sister. We were forced to spend a chunk of our spending money on meals, clothing, toiletries, and entertainment before our vacation even started.

Monday night we all started to hear of messages trickling in from Princess regarding another change to the itinerary. This time they had called our home phones as well as our cell phones but were still giving out incorrect information. We found out the ship was no longer going to Ocho Rios but were told it was now sailing to St. Thomas on Tuesday instead.

Off to the airport we went to book another set of new flights. Just as we were handed our new tickets, we were called by another representative who informed us the next destination was now San Juan. For the third time we exchanged our tickets and hoped that someone had given us the correct information. This was yet another cost incurred to my parents and one that we will eventually have to pay back to them.

We flew into Puerto Rico Tuesday afternoon. Once at the airport we touched base with Princess to let them know we had arrived and to make sure the ship was still due to arrive there as well. We were once again told to find our own transportation to the pier but were assured that the ship would be there at 5:00 pm, that the crew had been notified we would be waiting for them, and that a representative would be out to meet and greet us so that we could finally board and start our vacation. We found our way to the dock (at a cost of over $80.00) and had to wait for close to four hours before the ship was even in our sights. That actually gave us an opportunity to do a bit more shopping for replacement clothing.

We now knew that our lost luggage would never catch up to the ship due to all the changes to the itinerary. Many of us were hot, tired, and beyond irritated with our situation but started to take comfort with the knowledge that we could board the ship shortly. We knew that from this point on, we could sit back, relax and enjoy our vacation at last. Sadly, we didn't realize how wrong we were.

Once we saw the ship coming into port all thirteen of us made our way to the gate toting our luggage and our new purchases. We were questioned by port authority as to why we were there. We told them our story and were told to move back to wait for a Princess crew member to come out for us. We stood there for another two hours waiting. No one came for us. We watched what seemed to be every single passenger disembark that ship before we were able to get someone's attention and ask to board again. Again we were told we'd have to wait for a crew member.

At this point the children were crying and most of the adults were just as close to tears. We were tired and hungry and all we wanted to do was board the ship that we worked so hard to get to. Finally my father (Phil Beaupre) could not stand to see his family suffer any longer. He snuck past the guard at the gate and made his way onto the ship. He was nabbed at the third guard post and finally got someone on board to listen to his story. He was shocked to find out that nobody seemed to realize we belonged there. So much for the ship being aware of us waiting outside.

A crew member named Dave finally came out with my father and told us to board the ship; however not one member of the crew helped us aboard. We were forced to drag our own luggage up the gang plank and then waited in a state of confusion while members of the Star staff tried to figure out who we were and why we were there.By the time we handed in all our forms at the Purser's desk and made our way to our staterooms, we were all exhausted and ready for bed. Our faith in Princess had once again been dashed and now all we could do was hope to start our vacation on a happy note by mid week.

My family and I spent a fabulous day on the beaches of St. Thomas on Wednesday. We felt our tension melting away and even joked at how much we deserved to relax and enjoy ourselves. Unfortunately, the second we got back on the ship, our frustrations returned. We realized we were not given our muster information nor were we informed of all the programs the ship had to offer, one of which being the formalities of Anytime Dining.

My family and I were never informed that reservations would need to be made to sit together in the dining rooms. We understood the possibility of a wait when we signed up for this preference; however we were never told they did not have the capability of seating a group of thirteen at one table. We spent our first night in the Capri dining room at separate tables that were no where near each other. Once we realized that reservations could be made, we saved two adjoining tables for the next night and enjoyed ourselves during Thursday's dinner. We reserved those tables for Friday as well.

Unfortunately when we arrived to the dining room the following evening, we found our tables had been given to another group and were once again seated far apart from each other. That was our last night in the dining room. We opted to see a movie Saturday night instead.

When we asked what kind of soda program the ship has to offer to youngsters and adults who prefer non-alcoholic beverages, we were again misinformed by several staff members. The first waiter we asked had no clue what we were referring to, the Purser's desk informed us it was $3.95 per day to purchase unlimited soda and to ask at any bar, and finally a bartender told us we would have to pay a $31.00 fee for the entire seven days although we had already missed three days on the ship. We ended up purchasing a card on Thursday for the entire fee since no one was compassionate enough to fulfill our request for a pro-rated amount. Ironically the ship ran out of Coke on Saturday.

We were never given any information about the Fun Zone, including a schedule of events offered to our daughter's age group. Nor were we asked to register her before hand or given instruction on how to do so. During our first day at sea on Friday, we sent our daughter Paige off to see what the program could offer to keep her entertained. She came back upset saying that she was not allowed in and that I would need to fill out forms to register her. I filled out the paperwork she had been given for me and sent her on her way.

Once again she came back, now close to tears, saying that I'd need to bring my ID down as well. WHY was I not informed of these steps beforehand? A lot of time and energy could have been saved if I had only known what was required from the beginning.

On Friday night I watched a man and his wife beg for medical help at the Purse's Desk. He was apparently having an allergic reaction to something and could not breathe. His wife left him at the desk and ran off to their room to get his medication. The man collapsed in front of the desk. Another passenger and I went to this man's side to keep him calm.

I was able to stand up and dial my own cabin to summon my boyfriend, who is an EMT, to help before anyone came around the desk to aid this choking victim. He arrived from two floors below just as your medical personal did. The man had calmed down and was breathing on his own. When his wife arrived she started to administer an epinephrine pen to her husband only to realize the medical staff did not have another one on board. The man opted to wait out his symptoms for fear of a worse attack later in the trip.

The following evening we witnessed an elderly woman who had fallen on the deck. Other passengers were waiting with her, comforting her until the medical personnel arrived. It took forty minutes for them to do so. I am shocked and amazed that another passenger was able to react to the emergency quicker than ship personnel and also at the lack of medical supplies on board.

Two of my sisters and I celebrated birthdays in September. We were told by our parents that a surprise would be waiting for us aboard the ship. My step-mother (Linda Beaupre) asked us on Wednesday if we had enjoyed our gifts but the three of us had no clue what she was referring to. She then told us they had purchase gift certificates to the Lotas Spa and the Casino that were supposed to be waiting for us in our cabins. No such gift certificates were found. Apparently they were taken out of our rooms when we did not arrive on Sunday, nor were they brought back once we made it to the ship on Tuesday.

In fact, we had to request them from the Purser's desk over and over again before finally being able to use them on Friday and Saturday.

My daughter Paige took advantage of your ceramics class during our unexpected day at sea on Saturday. We were told the plate she made would be delivered to our stateroom later in the day. I actually had to track her purchase down at the Purser's desk Saturday evening and by then it was too late to put the breakables safely in our suitcase which had already been taken from outside our stateroom. We were forced to put the plate into our carry on luggage and unfortunately it came home in pieces.

On Friday I fell in love with the martini glass that was being sold with the drink of the day. Although I do not like the taste of martinis I purchased the drink for $8.00 just so I could bring the glass home. When the drink was delivered to me it was in a plastic cup and I was informed they had sold out of the glasses. I told my server I had made the purchase for the glass alone and did not want to pay the full price for a drink I would not enjoy. He then found me a regular martini glass to compensate me for the money I had already spent. I brought this glass to my room but due to the fact that it was not the glass of the day, my room steward returned it to his cart not realizing it was mine.

Throughout the week we noticed the elevators out of service or shut down for maintenance quite frequently. Several times we walked up eight or more flights of stairs to get to our destination. At one point another passenger and I were trapped inside a car for several minutes before it started moving again. Once the evacuate car light started to flash and the doors opened, I stepped out only to realized the car had stopped several inches below a floor. It was too late to catch myself and I tripped out into the hallway. A rug burn on my knee complimented my embarrassment quite well.

Several times throughout the cruise we were not able to get ice out of the machines on either side of the buffet lines and one morning there was no coffee available. We were also quite angry to find that the cards on the Lido deck tables saying I've gone to help myself to more, please do not clear the table were not paid attention to by the wait staff. Despite the card being placed in plain site, an entire plate of food was cleared away when a member of my family went back to the line for forgotten silverware.

As you can tell my family and I were very dissatisfied with your company from start to finish. The overall lack of concern from your corporate headquarters as well as the staff of ship alarmed and angered us. During the first half of our journey Jessica Quatarios was by far the most compassionate person we spoke to. It just goes to prove how bad the service is when the friendliest voice we heard was still unable to provide the help we desperately needed at the time.

The fact that nothing was done to make us feel welcome aboard the ship reinforced our assumption that Princess is unorganized, uncaring, and generally inefficient at making their guests feel comfortable and relaxed. I've included copies of the C.R.U.I.S.E. Cornerstone Statement found in our state room aboard the ship. Your company claims this to be a Ten Point Service Credo by which standards are set, yet I'm sure you will agree it seems to be the complete opposite of the details described in this letter.

The only thing I would agree with is that your company's reputation is in the hands of your valued customers. There WAS an impression made, unfortunately it was a negative one. Your staff had many opportunities to turn our outlook around but did not succeed in doing so. This is a family who travels frequently and we certainly intend to pass along the experiences brought to us by Princess Cruise lines and your staff both on and off the ship.

We kindly request to be compensated for all the inconveniences and expenses occurred during the week. We are asking to be completely refunded for monies spent trying to reach your ship and expect to see that some sort of action is taken to redeem your company's reputation.

Company: Princess Cruise Lines
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Clarita
Address: 24305 Town Center Drive
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