Lets fork tonight —cooking class, Orlando, FL - Lets Fork Tonight

Traveling & Tourism

I bought this groupon for a cooking class back in April. It was due to expire in 3 months. When I first went to the website and looked for cooking classes to sign up for. The website read "" more cooking classes coming soon."... After checking back several times, I finally wrote the Chef and asked when and how we could sign up for classes if none were available on the website, he then replied that his website was being worked on and they would be up soon. The classes were not available online until the end on May, and my voucher expired June3.. So I went ahead and scheduled a class knowing that I have already lost the initial value of the groupon...
The class was located in a small room that was rented out of a run down commercial business center... The place was not would you would expect given his luxurious website details, and his pricing at 129.00 per person! The place was dirty and had stacked up boxes everywhere.
The menu consisted of one appetizer and one bowl of pasta, with cheap wine.
We were never given a menu with the recipes, which I thought was the whole point of a cooking class?.
This was a total scam and I hope no one else will waste their money on this

Company: Groupon
Country: USA
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Let's Fork Tonight
Awesome Experience at Let's Fork Tonight! - Cooking Class

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