Greyhound Bus
Left ten minutes before he said to be on the bus

Traveling & Tourism

I was having a beautiful ride from Las Vegas to San Diego. The driver stopped at the Barstow station and repeated three times that he planned to leave at 8:10PM exactly.

As I was pulling up from the McDonald's to the bus I saw the bus pulling out from the driveway at 8:02PM.

Why would he say he's leaving at 8:10PM than leave at 8:02PM. It was also the last bus going from the middle of the desert (Barstow) to California.

The Travelodge across the street helped me book a room because I was fortunate enough to have parents that helped me out with unforeseen expenses. (I only had $3 to my name) I was very frustrated and afraid that I was going to have to spend the night outside in the desert in a not so nice part of town.

I paid $35 for my ticket from Las Vegas to San Diego and know I have to pay $52 $18 fee because my mother has to pay for another ticket with her credit card when she is not present.

I tried calling customer service to let them know what happened and if they could help me out. Customer Service was closed and I think that you could at least afford to put India customer service when the U.S. Customer service is closed.

So, now that I think about it. With all this money that I'm spending, I could of caught a last minute flight from Las Vegas to San Diego easily and been home in less than an hour.

$35 for the original ticket, $70 for the new ticket, $53 for the hotel room. I spent a good $160 for a one way trip from Las Vegas to San Diego because your driver likes to leave earlier than the time he said THREE times over the speaker.

I was the only one with a skateboard and pj's on and he TOTALLY saw me coming up the sidewalk when he was exiting.

I think the fair thing would be for you guys not to charge me for my new ticket and to re-imburse me for the night at the hotel. The only reason that I'm taking the AMtrak is because I don't feel like waking up at 3:00am in the morning to skate two miles to the Barstow train track. I've traveled many times on the AMtrak and this is my first trip with Greyhound.

I'm sticking with AMtrak. At least they have superior customer service and never has let me down.

I'm going to call customer service when they open at 8am (PST) and see what they can do for me. I'm expecting them to basically tell me "Tough Cookies".

Company: Greyhound Bus
Country: USA
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Greyhound Bus
Left Stranded - SCHD 6013

Terrible customer service

Amtrak California
Amtrak failed to perform an essential part of their jo

Amtrak is cheap. It must be true, because that's what an Amtrak employee told me. - Amtrak train service


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Greyhound Bus
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Greyhound Bus
Greyhound bus service is terrible

Greyhound Bus
Never again

Gray Hound Bus Lines
SERVICE - Bus Service, Customer Service, Ticket Sales