Horrible booking

Traveling & Tourism

This is the first and last time I use travelocity! And as far as I am concerned every person I know or come into contact with will forewarned of how much of a scam this website is. I cancelled a flight in april due to being extremely sick. I took the "credit" they offered. I am now trying to use the credit and it is not something you can look up yourself. You must call them but that is if you can understand them because I am positive they are not in America. And coming from someone who's second language is English I can usually be extremely patient but no one understands you or your request. So I try to rebook using my credit and its been about 45 mins. I finally got somewhere and when he repeats back the flights they are from San Antonio. I have repeatedly told him I live in SAN DIEGO! I had to hang up because its such a waste of time and angers you so much you just give up. I don't have $400 dollars to lose but I am pretty sure I just did.

Company: Travelocity
Country: USA
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Travelocity will steal your money! They are unethical theives with outsourced to India "customer" service

Travelocity does not help with missed flight that luggage made - Airlines
Terrible customer service—will never use travelocity again
Travelocity flight review

Travelocity - a scam company, poor customer service, DO NOT SUPPORT them

Travelocity Does not Stand Behind their Guarantee

Charged us a 20% commission on hotel booking

Refund policy is a ripoff and can not be used

Travelocity Prices Higher Than Hotel Site

Awful company