AT&T Inc
Over Billed


I have been trying to get my bill straightened out for months. They send out fraud bills that i dont owe and want me to over pay and they reimburse me. I have spend many hours and time, over on my cell phone mins adding up to 150.00 trying to take care of a promotion i sight up for 14.95 a month. Last week they told me it would be taken care of, assured me. And this week i get a bill for 149.00 again and last week i owed 8. Now I am talking to a supervisor and the reason is my daughter in law lived there before i bought the house and i am not eligible for the promotion? Since Dec they tell me this now?

My bill should be 14.95 now there telling me again its higher because I have the same last name. I bought this house from my son. I talked to Frederick today supervisor of AT&T. Now I also owe for equipment that I paid for in Dec. And they are fixing my bill but I owe late charges and i over paid last month and I will owe 14.95 for this month? Can some one please help me and get this straightened out. How can company make you over pay because they don't have their billing system up to date, I also asked for a correct bill to be sent, they cant seem to do that either. Also the supervisor stated transferred me to a billing person never told me, stated my bill will be 14.95 and this girl is now telling me its 70.89?

Lori Haven

Company: AT&T Inc
Country: USA
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