COX Communications
Over billing for phone service


I slipped my Verizon house phone-line a few years back for that Cox house phone support. It had been just $9.95 per month when compared with about $30 per month for that Verizon point. I'd each wire route, HDTV Web the works from Cox. Used to do observe that my payment had jumped over $200 per month and asked numerous occasions why it had been so large... Just after disconnecting a lot of providers and dealing with a comprehensive overview of my statement did I find the $9.95 telephone support really was over $45 per month!!! I've disconnected it today and am seeking a refund of the over-charge... Anything you do, do not register with Cox Communications for-anything should you choosenot need to.

Company: COX Communications
Country: USA
State: California
City: Rolling Hills Estates
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Verizon Phone Service
Billing problems

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