Bad business practice


I had vonage in 2006 for a short time before i was told that i had to deploy to iraq. I had called and canceled the service sent all the eqiupment back and sent them a copy of my orders showing i was leaveing. They never canceled it! So while i was in iraq i got a chance to call to find out why. Vonage tells me to call back in 3 days to cancel that they cant process it then, I tell them it will be impossible because i was depolyed not that easy to get to a phone. They said no problem we will take care of it. Funny 2 years later i am still getting billed with no help at all. They owe me $771.00 and refuse to pay it to me. They even show that i called to cancel and they still refuse to pay it to me. Then they tell me that they want me to send them billing statements for 2 years to they customer care service when they have proof that i have paid them. Really awsome how well they take care of people and screw the soldiers that defend this country so they can have a business. Guess I am just S.O. L thanks alot you pricks!!!

By the way I will be contacting my congressman to further this complaint!

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
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Bad business practice

Account not Canceled after number ported out of vonage ripoff

Cancelled Vonage May 8 when I got Charter. Vonage still billing Ripoff internet

Vonage ENTRAPS it's customers! Lansing Nationwide

Disconnection fee

Fees and charges

Terrible Customer Service & Policies on Cancellation

Vonage won't let me Cancel their service, yet they still want my money!

VONAGE customer service

Do not do business with Vonage - Buyer Beware