Bell Canada
At Bell, the customer is ALWAYS wrong!


Last July, after 4 years of explaining to Bell that my line house to pole in road was not functioning properly, and buying/replacing (unnecessarily) expensive equipment: I used my cell phone to tell Bell off handedly that I wouldn't need their service any more - as I wasn't getting any - and the line was dead anyway!

They came (again) and found - surprise - that the line from the house out to the pole was - "dead". They changed it.

Since July, now, began another epic - they never credited my account for my July bill - paid-like all my others. After calls each month - I just calculate it myself - they found the glitch in October - but - still haven't fixed it.

So, maybe in 4 or 5 years...

At Bell, the customer is ALWAYS wrong.

Company: Bell Canada
Country: USA
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Macaroni Grill

Disney Toontowns Online
Ripoff. Paid initial stated monthly charge was $9.95. Have been charged several days in same week an additional $9.95 within the 1 month. Terms Of Agreement Uses address in Burbank California

C.R. England Trucking Inc
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Bell Canada
Automatic Bell Renewal Contract

Bell Mobility Canada
Took overpayment for themselves on final bill, took overpayment as 'other charges'

Bell Canada
Desparate bell canada employees lie to get you as a winback


Cincinnati Bell Telephone
Cincinnati Bell, Being charged for phone service and not being able to use it!

False Advertising $ Harrassment

Bell Canada
Consumer Report