NFL Shop
Guaranteed by christmas is a joke


On 12/18 I was searching for something different for my son who is a diehard Patriots fan. I find some Patriots sunglasses on another site and I proceed to check out only to be warned this might not arrive in time for Christmas... STOP move on I must have this for the holiday. I begin searching only to come across the NFL Shop who's main page states guaranteed delivery for Chrismas. I find the item and begin the check out process. No warning that this might not be there in time. I complete the process and the money is taken from my account. A few minutes later I receive the confirmation email which states estimated delivery 12/27-12/31. I immediately call customer service and they tell me they can put in the request to cancel but no guarantees. The next day I get an email your item has shipped. Great I think this should not take a week to get here. A day later I get an email from another site regarding another shipment. Well that second site's shipment arrives in 3 days utilizing the same shipping method. The NFL shop shipment stopped in 9 different locations before arriving at my home on 12/27. I am sent a satisfaction survey and let them know what I think along with an email to customer service letting them know of my dissatsfaction. They offer me 10% off which is not my point. I simply wanted to know before completing the checkout that this may not arrive in time. They forwarded my complaint to management who was to respond in 24-48 hours and that was 2 weeks ago. No response. I'm not looking for free merchandise or a discount because I will NEVER shop there again. What I am requesting is honesty. If you know during the holidays something may not make it there on time warn the consumer during check out. Give them the opportunity to stop the transaction or upgrade the shipping method (which is what I would have done since I really wanted this for Christmas). Above all when a consumer has a complaint that is sent to managament they really should respond rather than ignore because this consumer is letting everyone know about this shoddy customer service and people will think twice about ordering from the NFL shop and I will NEVER order from them again.

Company: NFL Shop
Country: USA
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