EWAY eay authorized a payment from my credit card that I never made Internet

Shops, Products, Services

I got an email saying my payment was authorized. I twas sent by EWAY

I thought it was just a scam trying to get me to go to a website... The mail stated that a payment was sent to cheapebooks.com... I never made any purchase to that company and I certainly didnt use eway (similiar to paypal) for any purchase. Still thought just jumk mail... Decided to check my chase acct and found that a payment was taken??? What???
I contacted eway and ask where the hell did they get my info and why am I being charged for something I didnt buy? They told me they got all the info from cheapebooks.com to process...

I told them I made no such payment or authorized anyone to charge on my card... They told me to contact cheapebooks. I tried but got no response. No phone, nothing

I contacted eway again and asked for contact info to cheapebooks since it is their client...

Company: Eway.co.uk
Country: USA
Site: eway.co.uk
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Bongo Beauty P.O. Box 477 Corinda, QLD 4075 (07) 310 33713
Never recieved it

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