Consumer Report


To Whom it may concern:

Today i had a charge made to my checking account that was not authorized by me... I was checking out your website and left my personal info beside my computer at home. When i went to the bathroom my grandaughter, who thought she was being helpful, entered the requested info and then hit the continue button sending all my pertanent info. When I returned and found what had happened I called your customer service line and explained what happened. The man I talked to was William Long. He was not very helpful he told me that the website has lots to offer that i could get a tv or what ever. I stated that I didn't want a tv just a refund of my money. He then told me that he could not refund my money that he had forwarded my problem to the supervisor and that someone would get intouch with me. When I asked when he stated that he didn't know. I asked to speak to a supervisor and he told me they would contact me. I then went online and found that the bank had a pre-auth pending for 99.00. I went on line and tried to place a stop payment but was unable to. I then called again to your coustomer service line and the same man answered. I told him that i really wanted to speak to a supervisor and he again refused saying they were busy that i would be contacted. I told him that I had placed a stop payment on the charge and he stated fine if that is what you feel you have to do. I was so upset that I stated thanks for nothing & hung up on him. I then went to the bank and spoke to Mr Thompson who called your customer service line and Mr thompson was given this e-mail address so that I could contact you and try and resolve this issue... Please remove the charge, It was made by my minor grandchild. I did not authorize it.

Thank you in acvance for your consideration & cooperation.

Company: BidRack
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19808
Address: 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400
Phone: 8002386195
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