Corporate Records Services
SCAM - NO address - phone number - Looks Offical until you get to the part where you make the payment to the CRS only not to the state of Fl. The corp. Record no. Is also wrong at the top of the form. T

Shops, Products, Services

SCAM no address - phone no. The corporate record no, wrong also. And payment only to cms and not the state of Florida. Go to the internet to check them out.

Company: Corporate Records Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tallahassee
Address: PO BOX 5618
  <     >  


Corporate Records Service
Scamming, Beware!

Corporate Records Service

Fraud, scam

Corporate Records Service
Not what they appear to be. Misleading

Corporate Records Service
CORPORATE Records Service SCAM! Total SCAM! | Rental Mailbox to look like they are official

Corporate Records Services in Springfield, IL
Seeking a [bogus] fee for filing Corporate Minutes

Corporate Records Service
Fraudulent Representation of Providing Government Service that Businesses Must Respond to

Corporate Business Filings
Consumer Report

Commercial Investigations Inc
Promised recovery of debt asked me to fax check Thats the last I heard from them they are not in CA Fiticious Corp

Generations Electric & Service Co
I received an invoice from Corporate Record Services Springfield IL asking for $125 by Nov 9