Corporate Americas BOTTOM OF THE BARREL!

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If you are thinking about signing up for Directv... Think again... REAL HARD and make sure you do your homework first and educate yourself thouroughly regarding this company!!!

Lets start with the contract you sign...

You first start by calling or going online to make your first contact! The customer service representatives are trained in high pressure sales to suck you in like a vacuum cleaner however, they fail to provide you with ALL the facts regarding the company and it's services! Your customer service representative won't inform you those 300 plus channels consist of a majority of corporate brainwashing channels and the remainder are repeat channels... What you see today, you'll be watching 2 years from now!

Those low "suck you in the hose" rates... That's just a beginning because they aren't the rates you'll pay after you sign the contract and they begin nickel and diming you for everything you need to watch the tube! Once you agree to service, you don't get Directv... You get a "contractor" to which they will use to their advantage from that point on! If that contractor screws anything up on your roof, in your home, your electrical system or any other part of your home... Directv takes no responsibility... You are on your own with the flunkie they sent to install your system!

Next, when you let that "contractor" into your home, the very first thing he or she will do is have you sign on the dotted line... Now you have a contract however, you don't get to read it just yet!

Now the contractor will install... Hope for the best, the roof won't leak, you'll have power for the future, and they don't screw something else up in the installation process... Because Directv will tell you TOUGH NUTS!

Now that you have your system, the contractor will enter the required information into the system allowing you to create an account and read the contract you signed two hours ago! Boy are you in for some surprises!

You just signed a two year contract allowing Directv into your banking accounts at will! You just agreed to any price increases Directv decides to implement! You also just agreed to return their equipment at your expense and there's no wording in that contract in your favor protecting you from them as the customer!!! Hows that for averting the laws of the land and just creating your own???

Those price increase, included bogus communication tax increases in my situation, off the wall we feel like charging you $20 more from here on, and a host of other unscrupulous increases!

I should have done my homework first and could have avoided these bottom feeders however, I paid my dues and am glad I put them out of my home and my life!

You should also know that some 40 states filed suit against them for various acts and were successful in their litigation requiring Directv to pay a $14 million dollar fine!

It seems the industry in general has gone a foul, my suggestion is not getting involved with them and purchasing yourself a Winegard HD8200U along with a Channel Master HD rotor, 1296F attenuator, and a AP8700 Amplifier and getting free HD television better than anything any of these corporate GREED MONGERS have to offer!

So before you jump both feet first... Do your HOMEWORK and save yourself the nightmares!!!

Company: Directv
Country: USA
State: California
City: El Segundo
Address: 2250 East Imperial Highway
Phone: 3109645000
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Directv Worst Customer Service

Directv hoses my installations

Directv creates a new contract when you try to cancel service

Tv service - DirecTv Company itself

Price Increase DirecTV increases their prices and consumer is held to 2 year agreement

Directv Claims False Contract with Huge Cancellations Fees When You Try to Cancel Service Internet

Direct Tv
ELLEN FILIPIAK, CEO When the person that spoke to us about Directv he told us that it was going to be for 1 year contract. Come to know that the contract was for 2 years and i was never told that and didnt sign a contract

Rip off

Direct TV misleading HD channels and requesting - HD Channels and requests from customers

Directv price increase and contract rip-off