"Trinkets N Things"
"trinkets n things" gift shop located within karcher mall, in nampa, idaho. Deceprtive/secretive, inadequet information or failure to warn costomers of refund policy

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To whom it concerns:

I bought a purse for almost $30, at a gift/trinket type store, located in the karcher mall, in nampa, idaho, about three days ago. I never used the purse, it was still in the bag, from the store, and i still had my reciept. I realized that i really didnt need the purse, and that that money could have gone for other things for my family, so i decided to take it back. I was never told by the cashier, that they do not refund your money back, that its exchange only, or i would have never bought anything from them, had i known this.

When i decided to return it, i looked at my reciept, to see what said regarding their refund policies, but nothing at all was on the reciept, i decided to call and ask, to make sure i could get my money back, before going thru all the trouble, becouse my car 8s in the shop, which meant i would have to get a ride from someone, just to be able to refund it. There is no phone number on the reciept either, and in addition to that, the name of the store, isnt even located on the receipt either.

Its almost like they are porposly trying to give as little information as possible. When i went thru all the hassle, to find a ride, and get down there, i go in, very sweetly and politely, with my reciept, and the purse, still brand new, in the bag, i tried to set both items on the counter, and start to explain, i bought the purse three days ago, and decided i wasnt going to use it, and would like a refund, but the old woman working there, glared at me, and acted very aloof, and informed me, tough luck, all they do is exchanges.

At that piont, i was pretty pissed off, due to her self rightous, snotty as h*ell attitude, and called her out on why the h*ll, dont they tell people this, when they are spending thier hard earned money, that if they end up not being satisfied, or needing to return it, they are gonna be out all thier money? I said"why did your cashier not tell me that, before i bought it? I was also going to buy a wallet, but i had her take it off, becouse i was worried about spending too much money, and then i almost backed out on the purse too, becouse i was worried, that i should not be spending that much money".

I informed her that her employee knew and could see i was hesitating, and leary about making the purchase, and that she should have informed me, that they do not refund at all, so maybe if she could have gave me a heads up, it would have prevented me from making a rather large purchase, i later would regret. I asked her why was i not informed of this, and demanded to know why there is no name of the store on the reciept, no information about refund policy.

I also asked her how come they do not have a sign posted. To let people know this stuff, ahead of time, and she got all smart a*ed and goes"well, theres a sign right here, and pionts to a very small sign, thtas a good five or six feet away from the reasonable view of the costomers, its on bright blue, small piece of paper, with very small, faded black letters, that are so light, they almost look gray. I was like "thats your sign, nobodys gonna notice or even see that?!!!"and then she siad that the reason they dont tell people theres no refunds is becouse then people wouldnt make any purchases, and the reasons the information is not printed on the reciept, is becouse they do not have to legally provide that information".

I told her its pretty obvious to me, that they are purposely being sneaky about this, and that its not my fault they arte operating thier bussiness in a dishonesty manner, and that they failed to properly provide me with the right information, to warn me, that i had to get a ride to the mall, just to return the purse, that due to fact the re is no name of store on reciept, and no phone number, that made it so i couldnt call, and find all this out, and that for this huge inconvenience, the right thing to do, would be to refund my money, and she siad it wasnt her problem, i cant read, or something to that effect, and told me, "again, all i can do is give you an exchange".

I told her, that i wanted my money back, that i have kids at home, i need to buy milk and whatnot for, i pulled out the purse, to show her it was never used, in perfect condition, still brand new, with the tags on it, and that i needed my money back, and i wasnt leaving until she treated me like a human being, and acknowledeged they were in the wrong, and porposly being sneaky, hiding this fact from costomers, and again, she was like i dont crae if you need your money back, that you have kids you need to feed, that you had to find a ride down here, im not loosing any money, on peoiple like you"/

That was the closest i can recall, not word for word exactly, but close enough. I finally lost it, on this very rude, stuck up, rich, snooty bitch, that has no compassion, no mercy, shes very greedy, and probably the owner, by the way she acted. I told her i was calling the better bussiness burea, she told me, "go right ahead, they wont do a d*mned thing"i siad this as i was storming out, so i turned around and told her she was a greedy b*tch, and i hoped her bussiness went out of bussiness, and she deserves it for treating her costomers that way, and that i was going to complain to the mall, and every person i know, not to spend thier money in there.

I told her this is why, private little shops looose so much money they go out of bussiness, becouse they do greedy, dshady sh*t like this to make a profit, and the big retailers do not steal thier bussiness, they jusrt get more bussiness, becouse thier stuff is alot cheaper, and that they have decent refund policies, that dont leave the costomer screwed out of thier money, if it diesnt work out, i was like "we are in a recession, you idiot, people dont look too kindly to spend money, and have no way to get it bacvk, if they end up needing to return it".

Anyways, im very furious at this woman!!! So, dont go there and soend your hard eartned money. The stuff in that store is very pretty, but its all overpriced, very cheaply made things, that you can get off the internet, at other retail stores and boutiques much cheaper. Im not sure the name of the store, but its about the only private owned store, in the mall, there, anyways, that has things like purses and wallets. Thoses exact same purses and wallets you can get for a fourth of the price on the internet, and at places like, they auctually have the big huge, flashy, blingy purses there, that are way nicer, for 20 bucks.

I SPENT 22$ ON A TEENY TINY LITTLE PURSE, THE MEDIUM ONES WERE OVER FORTY-FIFTY $AND THE REALLY BIG ONES, WERE ALMOST 60. Im so glad i didnt buy the wallet to go with it, becouse that would have been over $60 i would have spent there, then i would have been fit to be tied. IM CALLING THE MALL, LATER TODAY TO COMPLAIN, AND IM JUST LIVID, AT THE FACT THEY ARE GOING OUT OF THIER WAY, TO CONCEAL THE FACT THEY REFUSE TO GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK, THATS WHAT IM SO IRATE ABOUT, ITS THE FACT THEY ARE GOING OUT OF THIER WAY TO BE SNEAKY, I MEn, the woman flat out admitted it to me, and was very flippant about it, she really is so alooof and smug, and so caught up in her own life, she doesnt care if she is ripping people off, or being dishonest, in order to make money, off unsuspecting consumers like me!!!

Now, if i had used the purse, or didnt have reciept, or something, i could understand, but thatw asnt the case. If she responds to this, and tries to say i used it, it was worn out, or i had no reciept, then shes a liar, i can prove it, becouse i still have reciept, and i have the unused purse. I also had a friend sneak in there, and take a picture of that redicou. Lous sign, that is so obviously there just to cover there own a*es, incase someone comes in there and gets snippy when they realize they cant get thier money back, and they just got taken. The way she acted, showed me, she is pretty used to this happening, i can tell, im by far, not the first person to feel taken advantage of and mislead, by this store, she seemed to think it was funny.

Her reaction seemed rehearsed, shes been thru this, plenty of times, i can tell.By the way she shot out there"go ahead they wont do anything", im sure she thought i really wouldnt go to extent of calling bbb. Im sure noone else has bothered to raise a stink, therefore, they just keep getting away with it. When i left store, i was going off, and telling people not to spend thier money there, im sure i did loook like some crazy a*, but i had two diffrent people tell me, that they too, had simuliar things happen, and that alot of people wont shopr there becouse of that. I went into a nearby store to get the number to the manegement of the mall, i wont say what store told it was, but the cashier in tht store, siad they have heard other people be very pissed off wityh that store, and that it isnt right, what they are doing, and that i should definetly complain to the mall manegement, and she gave me the number.

Look, if they are s greedy, they dont want to have to deal with refunds, fine, i get that, but if thats how they are going to be, then they need to put that fact out there, so anyone shopping knows what they are getting themselves into, becouse its the right thing to do!!! They need to post several signs, in big, bold, black letters, in places people can see it plainly, in more than one place, not places that people can barely see it. They do not need to be sneaky or hide it. The purses they get, by the way, you can order off several differnt sites, onbline, way, way cheaper.

They should not be charging three and four times the amount. Obviously, someone like me, who has a family, and needs to watch thier budget, has no bussiness, in a stuck up, rude overpriced boutique, such as this one. Im not some rich a*ed stuck up prick, so i guess im not good enough to be in there. I will continue to shop at places like and other outlet stores, that are much more affordable, have way better, named brand stuff anyways, and save all the money i can, cuz i dont have extra money to blow.

It doesnt matter why you are returning something, at any other normal store, they want to make thier costomers happy, so they will come back, and they will give you a refund, no questions asked, no problem, no stuck up attitude, no interagations, or put downs, no sneaky, hush hush policies, as long as you have a reciept and its usually 30-90 days, at most places. I just cant get over the sneakiness, the deciept, as its so obvioulsly deliberate. Anyways, im done with my ranting and raving now, i got it out, i feel better now, so, just be warned, if you go to this store, dont expect any friendly service or a refund, if you need one, you will be screwed and out whatever money you spent, so you have been warned! I understand they are in bussiness to make money, i get it, but you have to give and take alittle, in order to run a successful bussiness.

Sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company. Plus, if you post a competitors name more than likely they will show up on search engines as a Rip-off! - - your comments on this policy are welcome.

Company: "Trinkets N Things"
Country: USA
State: Idaho
Phone: 2084657845
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Babies R Us
Return Policy

Video Only
In-store credit only! I was told different. Now they have it on backorder, so I can't get it

Return ploicy not explained and customer service rude, and crude

Coachoutlet for 120.00
Consumer Report

Ripped us off they do it to alot of poor unsuspecting customers

Plato's Closet, Winmark Corporation
Horrible Customer Service

Goodwill Industries
Rude managers

Return Policy

Customer Service Ripoff

False Advertisement and Fake Purses