Sonia Lee
Abby Physic spell caste

Shops, Products, Services

She WIll promise to help you but she will ask for a lot if money. Will tell you that she meditates and everything she does is good. Beware she will pretend she's doing something but she won't. She will demand money to be deposited on her account and promise she will only use it for energy and return it. Guess what she won't then after she knows that you cant give her anymore money she will stop answering your calls and completely ignore you. She got $5400 from me a very professional scam artist!!!

Company: Sonia Lee
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: Las Vegas
Phone: 7023306077
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Goddess Olivia - Star Love Spells
Olivia or Sonia Lee Scam artist, They take advantage of those who are suffering

Theresa Evans Psychic/Spell Caste Lady Diana
Spells do not work, witches are fakes, that's why. Charlatans, fake scam love spell casters

At Home Typers - Sam Mason
What a rip Off. Scam artists to the hilt! Internet

Classic Gate By Design - Mitch Allen
This guy is a professional crook. I have a small book on the people he has stolen thousands of dollars from and gotten by with it. N. Charleston, South Carolina

Artists Name Ricky
Consumer Report

Angelic Sanctuary, Sonia Merino
Angelic Sanctuary Spiritual Healing, Sonia Merino Duped for huge money for healing and unpaid loan

Ruby Adams
This woman offered to clear up any negative energy that was block results from anything good happening in my life

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Victoria Talbot Victoria Presley Victoria Talbot Presley Nik Presley Hype Inc Hype Inc. All about hype scam fraud con artist

Redemption Credit Services
Will take your money and not deliver services