Verizon Wireless
Unjustly blamed and accused, customer hatred, unbelievable

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I received an unusual and enormous bill from Verizon Wireless. The bill is normally about $175 per month but this month it was over $1700. I called and after waiting a long time was referred to a "fraud" department. They asked if I still had a certain phone and that it was being used in Mexico and the charges were for "roaming".

I then explained to them that in October while out of town that particular phone stopped working. I went into a Verizon store in Brea, Ca. And showed them the phone, an "LG". The lady employed there told me it was indeed broken, unrepairable and sold me a new Droid. She said the line that got a free upgrade was the #3072 line which I had used for a laptop wireless connection and it was no longer needed. She said I could use this line's upgrade for my other phone number and this #3072 number would lie dormant.

So on I went. Now over a year later I am asked about the LG phone by the Verizon fraud department. I told them I threw it away as it was broken. Then I was told the LG belonged to the #3072. I never agreed to this. They said the phone number #3072 was connected to the unworking LG in December after I bought the new Droid phone the previous October. I don't remember this transaction and the phone was broken to begin with.

They now say by throwing away the phone I am still liable for the Mexico roaming charges that somehow are tied to it. This has been confirmed by a representative from finance. I'm told by Verizon this isn't fraud according to their management and that I must pay. I must say I was treated more like a criminal than a 10 year customer who also had a business on their network at one time. I can't believe it! No one noticed an odd bill after 10 years of customer loyalty? Mexico roaming fees? I haven't been to Mexico in over 20 years.

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Albuquerque
Address: 7000 Central Ave SW
Phone: 8009220204
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