Sprint PCS
Said the ETF would be waived due to poor service, then we were billed for it. Rip-off!

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My husband called Sprint to cancel the phone service we carried with them due to poor coverage and just plain out horrible service. We never received service at our home nor at his job (which if he called me we were charged roaming) both being not 10 minutes from Sprint towers. According to their coverage map, we were covered and should have gotten service.

The customer service rep told him that the ETF would be waived and proceeded to cut the service off. A month later we received a bill for the ETF plus taxes and surcharges. He called and was pretty much told this verbal agreement for the waived ETF never took place and they had no record of this ever taking place. He told them we were gonna report them to the BBB and all tehy said was "thank you for calling Sprint".

I filed with them and now we have started getting calls from the executive office of Sprint. But this calls come in unanswered. I feel that if they want to communicate with us they can do so by mail. Thats one of those fool me once, fool me twice deals. I'll keep ya updated whenever something happens maybe it will help someone else having similar problems.

Company: Sprint PCS
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Kansas City
Address: 4900 Main Street
Phone: 8885694927
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