H&R Block
Paid H&R Block to hold my money

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I should have known better! I go to H&R block every year for the past 10 years to file taxes. I went this year and had the same wonderful preparer... LUV HER! Everything was on schedule, so I thought. I was supose to receive my RAC today. Called and was told, once again, no check.

Okay, so background... I called on Monday to ask if I was part of the delays IRS is experiencing. I was told that, not only was I not effected, but that my check was there and could be picked up. I asked several times, so I can come get it now? She said yes, I said I would be there in an hour. I left work for the afternoon anticipating getting my refund. I get there and was told that they could not print my check??? What! At no time was them printing my check EVER mentioned on the phone. So, the girl calls the manager, who was out sick, who very annoyed and told me that she was the only person allowed to print checks and that she couldn't help me. She would print it in the morning. How could she be annoyed if she made it so she was the only person that could do anything??? She also said that she would talk to her employee who shouldn't have told me my check was there because she couldn't print it! Yea, the employee should be spoken to... But what the hell, you mean to tell me only the dictator manager could print a check? God forbid something happened where she was out a week, or month... No one else could print it... No back-up person... Great business model h&r block... NOT!!! I called corporate who said, no, we always have back-up people and you shouldn't have been told that... WTF!!!

Finally, the manager comes in the next day so I called about printing my check... ITS NOT THERE! AND the girl told the manager that I called and asked her to print my check...#WHAT... Liar... Why would, and how would, I even know to call to ask you to print me anything??? LIES!!!

So, I say whatever and call back today... The date THEY gave me. Again, no check. So., I call IRS and they gave me H&R Blocks account information and stated my funds will be transfered tomorrow at the latest. The rep told me that I should NOT have used H&R Block heads because I would have received my direct deposit tomorrow.instead, I paid them for the privilage of them receiving my money first and holding it until they take their fees (and I called the corporate and the rep admitted that no RACS are released until the IRS deposits the money into their account) What anticipation??? I paid you to keep my money away from me longer! Reps agree but refuse to refund money paid to get check earlier. WTF!!! This is the best scam EVER!!! I wish I would have gone to Jackson Hewitt. My dad changed from H&R Block this year and already received his money:- (Me and my sister will change to JH next year.

H&R BLOCK, you are a ripoff. Before your "employees" rebut this look into it. And before it is stated that they tell you it is no gurantee, I was told, and I quote "... It is the fastest way to receive your refund... You WILL get it by Febuary 1st at the latest"... LIARS!!! You just lost a family of good customers. It may not matter because you have plenty more, but I hope that you treat them better than you treated me, a 10 year loyal customer!

Called IRS, they said it was approved and pending deposit into H&R block's account by tomorrow. And paid almost $400 total for the privilage of them getting it first... SUCKER, IK! Hopefully I will eventually get my money... Idk... It's a toss up:- (BTW, I am still waiting for coporate to call me back about my complaints... YEA, I will hold my breathe... Here I go...

Company: H&R Block
Country: USA
Site: h&rblock.com
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