Verizon Wireless
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I have been working with Verizon Wireless over the last 8 months to resolve an issue with the local area cell towers with regards to poor cellular service. Their technical support immediately blamed my Motorola Droid for the poor service and stated that if I upgraded my phone, then I would receive better late August, when my contract was up and I was eligible for a new phone,

I purchased an HTC Thunderbolt from my local Verizon store for $250.00, which also goes without saying that I had to sign up for an additional two year contract. Upon purchasing the phone, it was obvious that there had been nothing wrong with my Motorola Droid. I worked with Verzion technical support over the next 45 days to troubleshoot, at which time they stated that there was an issue with the HTC Thunderbolt and that I would receive better service with an IPhone.

I was hesitant, seeing that two phones was a tell-tale sign that the issue is not with the phones, but the technical support person insisted the IPhone would work exchange for the IPhone, I would then have to send back the HTC Thunderbolt to Verizon. After the exchange transpired, I learned that Verizon downgraded me to the 3G IPhone, which is not comparable to the 4G HTC. When I talked to Verizon about this, they stated that they cannot 'upgrade' me back to the 4G phones because the IPhone is a 3G phone.

In addition, the HTC was a $250 dollar phone, whereas the IPhone 3G is a $150 dollar phone. About a month later, we received a bill from Verizon for $599.00, which was a charge for the phone we sent back. They stated they were expecting a Motorola Droid, when in fact they received the HTC Thunderbolt. Without notice to me, or sending back what Verizon considered 'the incorrect phone', Verizon sent the HTC back to the manufacturer and still billed me for what they considered an incorrect phone.

Needless to say, Verizon needs to re-visit their policies and practices to ensure they are not in-fact stealing from its customers. If Verizon deems a device sent back as 'incorrect', they should return that device to the customer, regardless of what get's billed to the customer's account. If it is not theirs, return it!

I am deeply appalled by Verizon's actions in this matter, and after being wrongly mislead over the last 8 months by Verizon Technical Support, I will be looking for a new mobile carrier. I highly recommend anyone that needs to exchange a device with Verizon to be very cautious and inquisitive as to how the exchange will transpire. I would also think that a request for the Verizon warehouse to send back the device if they deem it 'incorrect' immediately would be reasonable.

As stated by a Verizon Technical Support person, Verizon feels it does not need to send back a device that is deemed 'incorrect' to the customer because they did not receive the 'correct' device. But yet they will bill you for it anyway! Where is the customer left? Paying for a phone that Verizon has in its possession. How does this practice seem fair??? Verizon cannot even answer that question themselves.

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Elgin
Address: 777 Big Timber Road
Phone: 18009220204
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