Career Transition Center
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Just like in the complaint made under Emergency Services about a year ago I found much of the same issues with CTC. I met with Rick "R.G." Davis myself. All in all he was nice, easy to talk to and a good salesman of his services and his company like any business owner should be. But it is true that the services are costly! And they will run you 5K in the end. And who knows if you will find work in 3 or 4 weeks or 14!! They even had tales of people needing more than a year to get placed! Imagine giving up 5K to CTC and then not getting placed for a year!!!

CTC wants a fee of $1,475 up front! So if you are unemployed or live paycheck to paycheck that's a huge hit for most working individuals. Then you have 45 days to pay the remaining balance ($5,000-$1,475= $3,525), so if you are unemployed like I was at the time of my visit or if you do not have those sort of funds available you're not going to get anywhere. They will offer seminars to you to continue to twist the knife and try to get you to beg borrow or steal the funds anyway you can but don't fall for it. The last thing people with this money availble want to do is loan it out to an unemployed individual. It can possibly ruin realtionships with those you love. I was even asked if I could put it on a credit card. Good thing I didn't. I did not have that kind of money to give up so they would not help me out eventhough I was supposedly pretty marketable by the standards they set. Business is business and at times it can be dog eat dog. But I could not run a business that is supposed to help those looking for work or looking to better themselves and watch people struggle with money if I have means to help talented people get work. Is that the rewarding part of the job? I guess I'm not heartless enough to do otherwise.

Company: Career Transition Center
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 2601 East Thomas Rd. Ste#225 Phoenix, Arizona
Phone: 6029557002
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