Projector Lamps World
I order a lamp for my TV and I have never receive a tracking number or the porduct took my money and never ship my product. This is not good business practices and a fraud to riping off the general p

Shops, Products, Services

To Whom It May Concern,

On Sept 30 I order a projector lamp bulb for my Toshiba Tv and I have tried to contact them and also have e-mail them a numerous time in regard to my tracking number and they still have not given me a tracking number. It has been eight days and i still have not receive any product. All they keep giving me is a ticket number VPF-96428 then I e-mail again and they give another ticket# ZXQ-80457. If they are doing this to the customers they need to be investigated for Fraud and unproper business practices to the public and consumers and need to be turn into the BBB for their actions. I wrok hard for our money and for them to do this is un called for and a disgrace to the hard working people of this nation.

Company: Projector Lamps World
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 10867
Phone: 18005753309
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Projector Lamp Center
Rip Off

Matter Of Fax
Fraudulent company

Matter Of Fax
They Have My Money I Don't Have My Lamp After a month, they shipped the wrong product, now they are dragging their feet about replacing it Internet

Sage Ryder - Projector Lamp Center
Ordered replacement lamp for led tv 2 months with no shipment. Credit card charged the day I ordered

SageRyder, Inc
Projector Lamp Center Projector Lamp Center takes money and has no product!

Projector Lamp Cente - SageRyder
Projector Lamp Center - SageRyder Joke company, will not ship product, will not answer phone, tries to keep money

Sage Ryder -
Ripped off! Co charged my credit card and sent no product and no refund when reported Projector bulb ordered, money ripped off and got no product

Projector Lamp Express
Projectorlampexpress This company is committing fraud - I have reported them to the Attorney General's office - they will not respond to phone calls or emails. Hopefully criminal charges will be brought against them

Projector lamps world
Brought a projector lamp and it did not fit and will not return keep giving all kind of reason not to return

Project Lamp Center Aka SageRyder
Aka NEC Projector Lamps Not going to get that refund!