Poor service

Shops, Products, Services

Short Schedule of criticism (I maintain copies of communications, all with various team)

23 March - 09.41pm - Advised Madasafish tech support team that emails delivered by me since 20 March seemed to not have now been received by handles, and emails anticipated by me were also not obtained. These details involved personal & private info from banking institutions and personal customers.

24 March - 2.57am - Advised by Madasafishthat they've modified my webmail configurations that they mentioned that it appeared to have solved the issue. I completed a by delivering a contact to myself via webmail (that we don't usually utilize, since I use Perspective 2003 usually.)

24 March - 9.37am - I advised Madasafish that I'm still not getting e-mail, via webmail or View but be seemingly ready to deliver them-but uncertain if they're all being obtained.

24 March - 12.13pm - I advised Madasafish that just one mail have been obtained. (I had been expecting 8).

24 March - 2.07pm - Again, Madasafish created several modifications to my consideration, and questioned me to to delivered myself e-mail from my webmail account and find out easily obtain it.

24 March - 4.33pm - I recommended Madasafish that I've attempted to deliver emails via webmail, but haven't revceived them on webmail. Used to do appear to acquire some emails afterwards View but recommended them that lots of e-mail were still absent.

24 March - 8.56pm - hadn't obtained response, consequently I recommended them that I still have absent emails and required they fixed soonest.

25 March - 7.09am - no response from Madasafish. I wanted action.

25 March - 7.40am - Madasafish recommended me they had delivered mean email, subsequently utilized my email consideration to remove it. This could have provided them possible use of to personal & private info. I had been again requested to appear onto my webmail and deliver myself a check mail.

25 March - 5.22pm - Recommended Madasafish, again, that I attempted to deliver a contact to myself, but didn't obtain it. I also requested:

Where were all of the emails I usually receive (approximately 16 perday)

What're their protection methods that permit them to see my personal emails

What payment might I obtain.

NB: Throughout The 25 March I'd attempted to phone client Providers three times, but was not able to talk to anybody.

26 March - 12.29pm - Madasafish mentioned the technicians will work about the issue they produced, and also the absent emails, which I ought to contact Customer Services. I attempted to contact them twice throughout the day... Waited hearing audio.

29 March - 2.04pm - I recommended Madasafish, when I hadn't noticed from their store, that I still am not obtaining all my emails which the issues appears particular/sporadic. I examined on the site, where it explained to reconfigure View configurations... I questioned how do you take action. Still awaiting lost emails.

29 March - 2.32pm - Madasafish collection information on just how to reconfigure Outlook configurations.

29 March - 11.38pm - Recommended Madasafish that I'd examined Perspective which all was because it ought to be. I had been really furious within this concept and mentioned the support was inadequate, with unwarranted recommendations and guidelines, which I required action. (this concept was a great deal longer!)

30 March - 5.40am - Madasafish mentioned they had utilized a particular current email address also it worked for them. They questioned what mail details I needed and coule I deliver further communications to myself via webmail and Perspective.

30 March - 6.53am - I recommended Madasafish that I truly have just employed one current email address and thats the main one I do want to use and can't NB the main one Utilized By Madasafish above wasn't the e-mail I'd use. Until this the beginning of this issue I'd had no issues with my current email address. The issue seemingly have started by executive work completed by Madasafish.

30 March - 8.41am - I recommended Madasafish that I'd completed intensive assessments with both myself and several of my addressees delivering emails in my experience utilizing all kind of prefixes. I had been ready to recognize the only people that regularly didn't come through were my primary current email address ie 'mail'. Required action about the absent emails and quality.

30 March 8.54am - recommended Madasafish to not utilize 'mail' e-mail to email me... I believe they skipped that

30 March 10.28am - Madasafish recommended me to login for their website to setup extra e-mail addresses

30 March - 1.41pm - I mentioned that used to do not need to produce more emailsand why might I've to. I told them this isn't the support I registered for plus they are declining to answer my concerns. Known OFCOM.

30 March - 7.27pm - recommended they were having issues which I have to replicate mail addresses.

The number continues... I've named client solutions many times within the interval and never got through. I eventually got through on 8 May, and that I recommended them that due to the bad support which wasn't the support I activated to that I've moved to a different ISP and desired to shut my account instantly. They responded that It'll charge me and also have delivered me an account... Diabolical!

Company: Plusnet
Country: USA
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