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Our company Dunning Quality Painting had a Verizon Add put in the Verizon Yellow pages. We were told by one of there sales repts that on an average a month to expect 55 calls from this Add.

Our company has not received only 13 calls from this Add this last year. We have tried to call the 800 number they give you to try and talk to some one or to make a claim against this problem.

We had made a claim against Verizon Yellow Pages and still have not been satisfied with the resaults. We have paid out 8,560.00 dollars for the Add to help build our business and our company hasn't done anything but suffered because they will not refund my money or help us come to a reasonable price to pay off this deabt. We were even asked by the Sales rept would you like a bigger crew and company vans and ect. Well this is the Add you need to go with in order for you to expand and get more clients. We have even called the Manager at the office where we were sold on this Add and he told us what every one else told us call the 800 number and talk to them.

We have now 8,560.00 on our credit because they will not assist us with this problem. We are now thinking about going a little futher with this to get better resaults and our money back also to get justice.

Verizon's sales repts will tell you what you need to hear and try to sell you the biggest Add to get you to sign a contract.

We are so disappointed with there perfomance if our comapany suffers even more from this we will go under.
We think that Verizon should be investigated for misinformed infomation.

So if you are looking to Addvertise with this comapny before you sign any contracts get every thing they say in writting first because they will not back up what they promised and they will get you too!
We even called our sales rept and explained to her we were not happy with what she promised our company this Add would do for us.

She then told us to give it one more month and if we were still not getting calls she would help us get this resolved or the contract voided. We waited one more month after having it for Six month's, we decided to call her back and we couldn't get her to call us back on this issue.

This company is so overrated with what sounds good and not what can help you. All they care about is how can we make our money and bind you or your company to a contact.

Company: Verizon
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Irving
Address: 4500 Fuller Dr. Ste 300
Phone: 9727193746
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